
Secretary's Message

Esteemed Members of Indian Orthodontic Society,

First, I congratulate each one of you for being part of 56 years celebrations of IOS. This is the time to revisit our milestones of the progress and celebrate achievements of our organization. Let’s also convey our gratitude and show our respect to all the leaders of IOS, who made these possible with their guidance and direction. I am also thankful and appreciate the efforts put in by each one of you to take IOS to this level.

As I embark upon my new responsibilities, I pledge to take IOS to greater heights and work towards my vision of making IOS, the pinnacle of global Orthodontists space and making the Orthodontics, the most compelling and rewarding profession for the current and future generations.

I understand, this is the time to deliver on the ambitious agenda, I committed to meaningfully contributing towards streamlining some of the critical statutory compliances and strengthening financial status of IOS. I will closely work withthe leadership team, my seniors and other fellow orthodontics to make this happen.

Globally, I will also prioritise my agenda on how to equip well our IOS with all necessary infrastructure, latest technologies,and expertise, so that we are able to align ourselves with the direction, the worldis moving towards. And within country, I feel this is the high timeto work towards strengthening the identity of Orthodontics. I will put in all hard work to ensure that orthodontics treatments is considered within our Health Policy, Researches are promoted and IOS is enlisted under Dept of Science & Technology and ICMR, Govt Of India., where I would like to have you all on board to work along with me.

Working towards revision of Orthodontic curriculum,making IOS conferences more affordableand financial and scientific support for the study groups for academic activities are some of the areas, where I have committed to and will be looking for active participation from all study groups. I will be also closely working with the various Institutions and Practices to plan out and initiate the IOS supported mentoring programs for our young Orthodontist. I really want to make IOS a youth friendly entity and this is only possible when weallwork together and put concerted efforts to make this happen.We need fully equipped IOS with all adequate mechanisms and required measures to support our young minds in excelling their knowledge and expertise in the sector.And I will be highly depending upon for your suggestions and support to shape it in real sense.

We all also need to join hands together on generating public awareness campaign to promote Orthodontics and plan well thought out strategy for aggressive action on addressing unethical direct to home online Aligners.

We have lots in hand and I base my confidence oneach one of you to make this vision a reality. I feel a team is like a toolset; not one tool can do all the jobs, but together it can, so let’s join our hands together to work with team spirit in the day-to-day functioning of our organization and for the well-being of the society.

Let’s take our IOS to the greater heights of success and work together to overcome all obstacle and make it do-able for our own organization.With your vote, you have expressed your trust in me, and I intend to uphold it.

Once again thankyou for your overwhelming support and granting methis ambitious opportunity to serve IOS.I believe and I intend to represent each one of you with 100% commitment while serving IOS as HON SECRETARY

Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Labh


Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Labh
Honorary Secretary, IOS.