
President's Message

Hello Everyone

As I humbly accept the responsibility of the highest and most coveted post of the President of Indian Orthodontic Society (IOS) I thank each and every one of you for your wonderful wishes and unflinching support !

It is said that you see the world by standing on the shoulders of giants. So true, isn’t it? Whatever benefits we reap as the members of IOS are all due to the humungous efforts taken by our founder members, previous presidents, office bearers and executive committee members.

The theme and the slogan of the year 2023-’24 is planned as “Rational Ethical Clinical Excellence”

We have planned the activities of IOS in this year which will focus on the academic enrichment, translational research and clinical excellence of our life members and student life members with a combination of curricular and beyond curricular activities.

Programs on Clinical Enrich, Practice Management & Ethical Marketing, Interdisciplinary workshops, Digital Orthodontic Symposium, Invisible Orthodontic Conference, Functional Appliance workshop, Clinical Grandeur, Cleft workshop and webinars like Friday Rendezvous and Aligner Master Class will help our members the Clinical excellence we strive for.

Pragya (PG orientation program), PG convention, National Integrated Typodont Workshops, Zonal PG conventions, Innovation Conclave & research symposium and webinars on JIOS chronicles with one physical JIOS symposium will help the student life members and researchers alike.

Orthodontic Premier League (OPL), IOS Golf Tournament, IOS Wild Life & Clinical Photography workshop (National & International) are some beyond-orthodontics, extra-curricular activities planned.

International Mid-Year Convention, Global Indian Orthodontists get together at AAO Convention at New Orleans, WFO membership drive are the activities planned for improving global visibility of IOS. We will strive for strengthening the international relations and promoting visibility of our Indian Orthodontic Society at international platform.

Member Benefit Program, IOS care, IOS Placement Cell, representation at various government bodies & departments are some additional activities done by IOS for members.

The calendar of events of IOS for this year will be available on the website, Facebook page and Instagram account

We are also planning a single day nationwide diagnostic drive during the World Orthodontic Health Day in the month of May 2024. I request all the orthodontic departments, study groups, various institutes and private clinics to participate in this on a specific day which we will plan and publish. This will help up in collecting a huge data on malocclusion which IOS can use it for discussion & representation to government statutory bodies which make policies for healthcare, reimbursement, insurance and employment. If we make this happen on a nationwide level and high numbers; then this can get IOS on Guinness Book of world records. This will also help us in gaining lot of popularity & public awareness opportunities. Head Office and EC will require huge support from all you in this ambitious project.

Emphasis on Public Awareness to promote Orthodontists as Specialists in every household will be key strategy. “Orthodontics by Orthodontist Only” and “Orthodontic Treatment in Clinical Setup only” will be the targeted key lines. This should be the essence of the celebrations of our Orthodontist Day, Orthodontic Week and various public awareness activities. I will go one step further and say that its necessary to popularise our branch in medical and paramedical professionals as well. Our efforts should be to make Orthodontist a house hold name. The way people relate Cardiologist for any heart ailment, they should be able to relate orthodontist with any dental irregularities & facial deformities.

We all should popularise our beloved fraternity of Orthodontics to general public at various platforms. So I urge all of you to participate with full enthusiasm in the activities planned by the Executive Committee.

I assure and promise you all that me and my Team EC will put in our best efforts to uphold our revered society.

We started with an innovative tradition of taking pledge by the Principal Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members at the Valedictory Function, so as to heighten the sanctity of the installation ceremony. Where we remembered, and made a promise to follow the aims and objectives of our Society with proper code of ethics.

I urge the members of IOS to render support and co-operation to Team EC for yet another fruitful year towards ever improving and dynamic FIRST Society of the FIRST specialty of dentistry !

Jai Hind! Jai IOS!!



President, IOS.